Autory is an Actuarial modeling platform, built to perform Actuarial calculations at scale across your business.
Autory is primarily used for IFRS 17 implementations as a business-as-usual accounting engine, transition calculations or validating your chosen accounting engine. It accounts for all IFRS 17 measurement models.
Autory is implemented for various insurers in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Clients include the two largest life insurers in Africa and a large life insurer in Ireland.
Autory is a highly flexible modelling platform and is also used for:
- IFRS 9 calculations and disclosures
- Per policy cash flow modeling
- Solvency II calculations
- Own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA)
- Business planning
Autory is built to execute anything that you can define mathematically. Configuration is done in tables in a simple to use front-end.
The model is built with modern languages (Python & Julia), while providing an optional calculation trail in Excel workbooks with live formulae. All calculations, from your source data to financial disclosures can be fully traced and audited.