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What exactly just happened?



  • Hierarchy 2 is chosen as the starting hierarchy level
  • The path is chosen as Galaxy Holdings (the only possible path on hierarchy 2)
  • Summary is set as the starting valuation type


  • The starting hierarchy level (2) and path (Galaxy Holdings) translates to the first node in the hierarchy
  • This is the starting point on the hierarchy for this run


  • Each hierarchy node can have one entry-point per valuation type
  • The entry-point determines which variables in the variable library should be used for this hierarchy node + valuation type combination
  • In our example, the Summary valuation type for this node is mapped to the Summary.h2.Generic variable set

Variable library

  • The variable library contains a list of variables for each variable set
  • The 4 variables defined for the Summary.h2.Generic were calculated during runtime, as seen in First Run output:
