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Autory Command Line Interface

The Autory Command Line Interface (CLI) allows you to run powerful Autory commands from a terminal, which is generally more productive and less tedious than point-and-click actions with the mouse.

To see which commands are available:

autory --help

Commands look like this:

autory run ...
autory draw ...

Some commands have sub-commands:

autory run direct ...
autory run config ...

To get help about a specific command or sub-command:

autory run --help
autory run direct --help

The output of the --help option for each command is also available here.

Some commands have options. Options are always … optional! Options always start with --. Some options have shorthand versions, which start with -.

autory debug --output-format json
autory debug -o json

Some commands have arguments. Arguments are usually required. For example, a list of files.

autory run direct book1.xlsb book2.xlsb book3.xlsb
autory run direct book*.xlsb