autory test make-schema
Convert a .json file into a .json.schema file.
The following Autory-specific assumptions are made:
- extra keys are always allowed
- all numbers have the same error margin
- strings must be exact
- only the given list of keys (if given) are required
This is a utility script to help you create tests. The schema should be
modified manually after creating, as there are usually some things which
cannot be decided automatically.
JSON_PATH: The path to the JSON file from which to derive a JSON schema.
--schema-path FILE The output file path. If omitted, it will
reside next to the input file, with the same
name, but .schema appended to the extension.
--numeric-error-margin FLOAT The error margin, i.e. how close numbers
should be to the expected value. 0 means that
every number must match exactly.
--included-keys-file FILE A file containing a list of key names. If
given, omit keys that are not in this list
from ALL objects when creating the schema. If
not given, all keys are used and considered
--help Show this message and exit.