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autory run direct

Usage:  [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  Run one or more Autory models directly.

  PATHS: Names or paths of files containing Autory models. May be JSON files
  containing normalized model data, or Excel workbooks, or a mixture of both.
  With the VBA engine, only Excel workbooks are supported. With the Python
  engine, both Excel workbooks and JSON files are supported. Runs are always
  executed sequentially.

  --visible / --invisible         Whether to show Excel while running. Only
                                  applicable when using an Excel model with
                                  the VBA engine. Ignored otherwise. Defaults
                                  to invisible.
  --keep-open / --close           Whether to keep the workbooks open after
                                  running. Only applicable when using an Excel
                                  model with the VBA engine. Ignored
                                  otherwise. Defaults to close.
  --engine [vba|python-excel|pyxl|python-julia|pyjl]
                                  Which calculation engine to use. Defaults to
  --output-folder DIRECTORY       Override the `output_folder` for all models.
                                  If this is a relative path, it's relative to
                                  each model's input file.
  --save / --dont-save            Whether to allow modifications to the input
                                  workbook during the run. Only applicable
                                  when using an Excel model with the VBA
                                  engine. Ignored otherwise. Setting this to
                                  False may be useful when doing multiple runs
                                  from the same workbook.
  --write-json / --dont-write-json
                                  Whether to export the results from the
                                  database to JSON files after the run.
  --single-workbook / --separate-workbooks
                                  Whether to write all results to a single
                                  workbook, rather than one workbook per
                                  projection node.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.