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Command Line Interface how-to guide

This page gives how-to guides on executing frequently used commands from the Autory command line interface ('CLI').

To run the Autory CLI, you need run the commands in the Command Prompt, Windows powershell or by running a .cmd / .bat file.

1. Opening the command prompt

See this for different ways to open your command prompt.

The easiest way to open the command prompt in a specific folder is:

  1. Press Ctrl + L to edit the location bar at the top of the window


  2. type cmd and hit Enter


    This opens the Command Prompt with this folder as the working directory


  3. to run a command, type your command string, and hit Enter. For example you can run autory --help as below


2. Run patches on an existing Autory model

As new features are built in Autory, some updates may be required in the Excel model workbook. This is performed with patches so you don't need any configuration changes in your existing model.

Patching your Autory model ensures it is compatible with the latest installed Autory engine. It replaces the VBA code of the model, so any custom VBA written in your model will be deleted.

Follow these steps to patch your model:

  1. Open the folder where your model is saved


  2. Follow the steps above to open the Command Prompt

  3. Run the following command: autory patch "Autory Model.xlsb", using the name of your actual model. Hit Enter to run the command.


    During the patch, a backup is made in the same folder adding a timestamp + '.original' postfix to the original file. The Autory Model.xlsb file is now patched and should be compatible with your latest installed Autory engine.
