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SQL Queries

Various custom functions allow SQL queries to be executed while importing data (e.g. csvToTable ).

Knowing which table name to use

When using a Python-based calculation engine, sqldf is used to apply the SQL query to the dataset before importing. The table name will be df (meaning "DataFrame"). For example:

  • select a, b from df
  • select * from df where c = 5

When using a VBA-based calculation engine, the actual filename is used as the table name. For example:

  • select a, b from data.csv
  • select * from data.csv where c = 5

This filename is often not known when building the model, or is set in a separate configuration. For this reason, we support shorthand queries.

Shorthand queries

When the Query starts with WHERE or ORDER BY, the correct table name will automatically be prepended. For example the query where c = 5 will automatically be converted to: